Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Making You Tube Videos

Hey fancy followers! Check out our pages. We have begun constructing criteria to make learning resources for the school through Youtube.

First of all, we checked out some videos on Youtube - Peter Weatherall has tonnes!
Next we decided what it was about the videos that helped make us learn
Then we came up with some ideas for our school - e.g. wearing hats, the school waiata, the haka
Next we had to decide how we were going to make these - animation, movie making, slideshow etc.

It's a whole Term Project so check back towards the end of this Term. We will try and post our progress weekly so you know how we are getting on!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Make Your Own Trading Cards!

In Techsperts today, we looked at different ways to present information about countries involved in the rugby world cup. We decided to make a trading card for each country. Here is an example of one:

You can change the background, write anything you like and create groups of cards to shre with your friends. It is a lot of fun and very easy to do. If you want to make them yourself, click here

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Depth in Photos

Today we have been looking at the different depth we can put into a photo. We have tried having something close up to the camera, something mid way and something in the background. Let us know what you think!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011


This term we will be looking at photography and film making. We started the term by taking pictures using different angles. This means not just holding the camera in front of us, but changing where we stand, sit or lie when we take a photo. Here are a few examples of our angles investigation.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Using Motion Paths in Powerpoint

Today we learned how to use motion paths in powerpoint. You can make things move across the slide any way you want. Here are the instructions:
1. Open powerpoint
2. Choose a picture and insert it OR draw one yourself using shapes.
3. Go to slideshow and choose animation
4. Got to custom animation and choose motion paths. You will get a pencil on your screen and you can draw the ath you want your picture to move in.

Have a play and enjoy!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Animation in Powerpoint

We have been learning how to use Powerpoint as an animation tool. Here is a You Tube video which helped us.

Next week we will be learning to use motion paths - stay tuned!!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Graphic Design

Graphic Design Ideas

Today we learned how to make an inspirational poster using graphic designs and quotes found on the internet. Here are a few of the posters we made:

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Whack the Cockroaches Game

Today in ICT skills, we learned a new game called Whack the Cockroaches! It is to help practise our mouse skills. Read our comments to find out what we thought of it.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


W.A.L.T evaluate an animation program using de Bono's thinking hats.

Make movies! If you can type, you can make a movie!

Good Points (Yellow Hat)
It is really easy to understand and make the movies.
They have cool thing and is easy to get around it.

you can change camera views

Negative Points (Black Hat) 
It is really hard to get the hang of. I have found it difficult

you can't change expression


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

tuesday session

I learnt how to post a picture onto our blog! it was fun!
Nikita&Josh T

tuesday session

I leart how to make a post  and browse a image into a blog

Ireally enjoyed this session andI learnt how to create a new post!!!!!!!!

Tuesday session

We found out to make a post and insert picture to a post :-)

Nathaniel &Curtis barr

tuesday session

Today i learn't how to insert a picture on to the blog and it its really great to be the techsperts. by alex and maupi.

owen and meishas fun sesion

owen: This sesion was very fun and i hope we do some more exciting stuff next tuesday.
meishah: this sesion was very fun i learnt how to paste on a blog.

Tuesdays session

Today we learnt how to insert a image on blogger

By Tyler and Natalia

Tuesday Session

Today was cool
we learnt how to put a pic on our blog..

Great session hmmmm, wonder what we'll do next?

By Taylor and Jayden [Awesomeness]

tuesday session

today we larent how to uplode a picture on our blog

by blake and Tamzin.

Inserting an image into our Blog

Hi everybody!

Today we are learning to insert an image into our blog. We are using images from the internet and from our computer.
Wow dont you look like a cuttie pies

A Car


Tuesday, 15 March 2011


Hi! We are the North Street School techsperts. This is our blog where we share ideas and thoughts.